Language Poll II


1. Which of the following features would you like to be added first to Nemerle. You can mark more than one, but the less you mark, the more important they are :-)


2. Do you think the following expression should give an ambiguity error?


3. Would you like to have return and break statements in Nemerle? They are against functional style, but sometimes seems cleaner, especially since we have a handful of imperative loops already (while, for, foreach).


4. It is sometimes necessary to specify type arguments of a method upon call. For example: SomeFun[int] () -- here the type argument cannot be inferred, and therefore has to be specified. It is hardly ever used, because our inference engine is quite smart.


Foo.[int,string] (note the dot after Foo)


5. How well do you know Nemerle?

Quite well, wrote bigger exampleってとこかな。